Simulation and fabrication of resorbable occlusion devices for surgery


Objectives: To develop customized devices for closing holes in hearts and other tissue repair with 3D printing and newer methods of fabrication for bio-resorbable polymers. To test them by computer simulations and by physico-chemical and biological means: in-vitro in mammalian cell culture and in-vivo in small animals, and perhaps first-in-human.

Background required (e.g. Chemical Engg/Chemistry/Physics, Specific experimental expertise/Knowledge in coding etc.): Experimental plus simulations. Any background  stream, preferably with knowledge of, and willingness to learn about, biomaterials and their characterization by microscopy and related tools, mammalian cell culture, small animal studies, 3D printing, model-building in CAD packages like AutoCAD, SolidWorks, and coding in python.

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