
A combined computational and experimental investigation of the catalytic hydrogenation of carbon dioxide to ethanol

CO2 conversion into value-added products has the advantage of lowering CO2 emissions and producing beneficial chemicals. The conversion of CO2 to C1 molecules including methane, methanol, formaldehyde, etc. has been the subject of extensive investigation in recent years. Comparatively, there aren't many studies on the production of ethanol from CO2 hydrogenation, despite the fact that ethanol is a more desirable product that can be easily converted into high-value molecules like ethylene or used as a blend in gasoline.

Combined theory and experimental study of controlled metal (electro)dissolution for water disinfection

Metal dissolution is often used to kill bacteria in water. Upon dissolving the metal forms ions which can effectively kill E. coli. There is a significant need to understand the dissolution mechanism and design/control the process. The overall dissolution rates depend primarily on factors such as the overpotential, electrode surface area, temperature, and pH.