Development of a Decision Support System for Management of Emergency Operations
Emergency management in the event of an occurrence of an acute accident situation requires the invocation of multiple systems and recources both onsite and offsite of a chemical process facility. During such emergency handling operation significant decisions are required to be made in a timely and efficient manner so as to effect rapid assembly of people, evacuation, and the technical management of the emergency so as to reduce human and economic losses and a protracted loss of production, and finally a quick turnaround. There is a need for strong, reliable liaison between multiple stakeholders: the organization, government and the public, mutual aid systems etc. This necessitates a reliable decision support system (DSS) and availability of a range of critical information, and sometimes an expert system for effecting decisions. The present project will constitute a development of a complete DSS for efficient and effective emergency management and identify the complete range of resources and action elements for all the individual participants in the operation.