Dr. Swagnik Ghosh


Currently at Tridiagonal Solutions Pvt Ltd, Pune.

Full Name
Dr. Swagnik Ghosh

Research Areas: Particle Laden Turbulence, Turbulent Shear Flow, Turbulence Modelling, Direct Numerical Simulation



Swagnik Ghosh, Partha Sarathi Goswami, "A statistical analysis of velocity and acceleration fluctuations of inertial particles in particle-laden turbulent Couette flow", Physics of Fluids, 2022.

Swagnik Ghosh, Partha Sarathi Goswami, "Dynamics of particle-laden turbulent Couette flow: Turbulence modulation by inertial particles", Physics of Fluids, 2022.


Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=7ycqFYYAAAAJ&hl=en