Dr. Pradeep Muramulla


Post-Doc, Daiichi Sankyo, Germany

Full Name
Dr. Pradeep Muramulla

Research Interests: Particle laden flow, Direct numerical simulations, Turbulence modulation and Coherent structures.



Pradeep Muramulla, Ankit Tyagi, Partha S. Goswami and V kumaran, 2020, "Disruption of turbulence due to particle loading in a dilute gas–particle suspension", Journal of Fluid Mechanics.

V. Kumaran, P. Muramulla, A. Tyagi, and P. S. Goswami, 2020, "Turbulence collapses at a threshold particle loading in a dilute particle-gas suspension", Europhysics Letters.

Naveen Rohilla, Pradeep Muramulla, Partha S Goswami, 2022, "Applicability of large eddy simulations to capture turbulence attenuation in particle-laden channel flows", Physical Review Fluids.


Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=BlYdxp0AAAAJ&hl=en&oi=sra