Abhijit Majumder

My lab is working on cell mechanics in general. We are looking into how different mechanical aspects of a tissue control/influence cellular behaviour and fate. By mechanical aspect, I mean, tissue rigidity, stretching, vibration, fluid stress etc. We are specifically interested to study cell-material interactions. For that we employ material preparation, their characterizations, live cell imaging, traction force microscopy, atomic force microscopy, microfabrication and microfluidics. We call our lab as "M-Lab" which captures the four major areas of our work: materials, matrix, mechanics and microfluidics. I would also like to put "M" for motivation as well which is probably the core driving force for any research group. In short, we are trying to mimic cell's in vivo environment as much as possible. In future, we will like to explore areas such as organ-on-chip.
The knowledge gained will help in designing efficient scaffolds for tissue engineering, cell delivery systems for stem cell based treatments and might indicate new treatment target to control diseases related to cellular migration including cancer. It will also help us to understand the role of mechanics in pattern formation, development and pathological conditions