
Mar 06, 2010 - 00:00
Mar 07, 2010 - 23:59
Azeotropy 2010
Spring is here and so is AZeotropy 2k10 – the much awaited Chemical Engineering fest of IIT Bombay. With a series of innovative and interesting competitions lectures from the legends of the field and workshops close to the heart of industry AZeotropy 2k10 – “Opt for Optimization” promises to live up to the high standards it has set for itself and more. With loads of prizes on stake and goodies to be won with the adventures of chemical engineering and the nuances of an entrepreneur with the eye of a learner and the ecstasy of a winner AZeotropy 2k10 has a little bit for everyone – a“Pareto Optimal event”. Visit website: Azeotropy 2k10