Research Publications
Vivek V. Ranade, Sanjay M Mahajani, Ganesh A. Samdani, "Computational Modeling of Underground Coal Gasification", 1st Edition, CRC Press, 2019, ISBN 9781138091597
Edited Chapters:
- Mahajani S. M. and Chopade S. P., Reactive Distillation: Processes of Commercial Importance, in "Encyclopedia of Separation Science" by Wilson I. D., Edlard T. R., Poole C. A. and Cooke M. (Eds.), Academic Press, London, UK, (2001), 4075-4082.
- Chopade S. P and Mahajani S. M., Pervaporation for separation of organic-organic mixtures, in "Encyclopedia of Separation Science" by Wilson I. D., Edlard T. R., Poole C. A. and Cooke M. (Eds.), Academic Press, London, UK, (2001), 3636-3642.
- M. M. Sharma and S. M. Mahajani, "Industrial applications of Reactive Distillation" (A review), in "Reactive Distillation: Status and Future Directions" by Sundmacher K. and Kienle A. (Eds), Wiley VCH, Germany (February 20, 2003).
- Sharma, I., Hoadley, A. F. A., Mahajani, S., Ganesh, A., Evolutionary MOO of a Complex Process — A Surrogate-Assisted Approach, in "Multi-Objective Optimization:Techniques and Applications in Chemical Engineering" by Gade Pandu Rangaiah (Eds), World Scientific, Germany (February 2017).
- Mahajani Sanjay and Basudeb Saha, Catalysis in Multifunctional Reactors, in Catalytic Reactors (De Gruyter Textbook), Basudeb Saha (Ed), De Gruyter, (2015).
- Pradhan P., Mahajani S.M., Arora A., Evaluating the Sensitivity of Biomass Feedstocks to Producer Gas Composition Using Stoichiometric Equilibrium Model. In: Singh S., Ramadesigan V. (eds) Advances in Energy Research, Vol. 2. Springer Proceedings in Energy. Springer, Singapore, (2020), 715-723.
- Talwalkar S., Thotla S., Mahajani S. M., Sundmacher K., Process and Catalyst System for Synthesis of Iso-octane in high yields, WO2010/046925, 2010.
- Singh D.K., Ganesh A., Mahajani S.M., Gupta P.D., Heterogeneous Acid Catalyst for Producing Biodiesel From Vegetable Oils and Process for Preparation Thereof, Indian Patent No. 264626.
- Khan Mohd Moiz., Singh Manvendra., Mahajani Sanjay., Jadhav Gajananrao Narayanrao., A method and a device for reclaiming green waste foundry sand, Indian Patent No. 201721023693.
- Mahajani S. M., Verma P., ChavanPatil V. K., Shah N., An apparatus for crystallizing sucrose present in jaggery syrup, Indian Patent Application No. 201821033391 (under review 2018).
- Mahajani S. M., Verma P., ChavanPatil V. K., Shah N., An apparatus for moulding deformable materials, Indian Patent Application No. 201821026718 (under review 2018).
- Mahajani S. M., Verma P., ChavanPatil V. K Shah N., A process for manufacturing free flowing jaggery Indian Patent Application No 201921017279 (under review 2019).
- Mahajani, S. M.; Singh, D. Chandel, S.; Shinde, A. Solvent assisted reactive chromatography acetallization and ketallization reactions. Indian Patent Application No 201921035595(under review 2019)
- Khan M.M., Mahajani S. M., Jadhav G. N. A process for reclaiming waste foundry sand-, Indian Patent Application No 202021020228 (under review 2020).
- Khan M.M., Mahajani S. M., Jadhav G. N. A process for reclaiming waste foundry sand-B, Indian Patent Application No 202021020229 (under review 2020).
- Kamal, S., Dhillon, R., Nabar, R., Nangia, R. Mahajani, S., Continuous production of methyl pentenone using cation exchange resin in a fixed bed reactor, Indian Patent App. No.: 202021041062 (Sep 2020)
Papers in International Academic Journals:
Publications in International Journals :
- Mahajani S. M., Kolah A. K., Sharma M. M., Extractive Reactions with Cationic Exchange Resins as Catalysts: Acetalization of Aldehyde with Alcohols, React. Funct. Polym., 28 (1), 1995, 29-38.
- Kolah A. K., Mahajani S. M., Sharma M. M., Acetalization of Formaldehyde with Methanol in Batch and Continuous Distillation Column Reactors, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 35 (10), 1996, 3707-3720.
- Mahajani S. M., Kolah A. K., Some Design Aspects of Reactive Distillation Columns (RDC), Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 35 (12), 1996, 4587-4596.
- Mahajani S. M., Sharma M. M., Reaction of Glyoxal with Aliphatic Alcohols Using Cationic Exchange Resins as Catalysts, Org. Proc. Res. Dev., 1 (2), 1997, 97-105.
- Mahajani S. M., Kinetic Azeotropy and Design of Reactive Distillation Columns, Ind. Eng,. Chem. Res., 38 (1), 1999, 177-186.
- Mahajani S. M., Sharma M. M., Sridhar T., Uncatalysed Oxidation of Cyclohexene, Chem. Eng. Sci., 54 (18), 1999, 3967-3976.
- Mahajani S. M., Design of Reactive Distillation Columns for Multicomponent Kinetically Controlled Reactive System, Chem. Eng . Sci., 54 (10), 1999, 1425-1430.
- Mahajani S. M., Reaction of Glyoxylic acid with Aliphatic Alcohols in Batch and Extractive modes, in the Presence of Cationic Exchange Resins as Catalysts,React. Funct. Polym., 43 (3), 2000, 253-268.
- Shah U., Mahajani S. M., Sharma M. M., Sridhar T., Oxidation of Isobutane in Liquid Phase and under Supercritical Conditions, Chem. Eng. Sci., 55 (1), 2000, 25-35.
- Saha B., Chopade S. P., Mahajani S. M., Recovery of acetic acid through esterification with n-butanol and iso-amyl alcohol in reactive distillation column,Catalysis Today, 60 (1-2), 2000, 147-157.
- Kolah A., Zhiwen Q., Mahajani S., Dimerization Process: An alternative to MTBE, Chem. Innovations, 31 (3), 2001, 15-21.
- Mahajani S. M., Sharma M. M., Sridhar T., Extractive Hydration of n-Butene with Solid Acid Catalysts in Liquid Phase and under Supercritical Conditions,Chem. Eng. Sci., 56 (19), 2001, 5625-5633.
- Zhang H., Mahajani S. M., Sharma M. M., Sridhar T., Cyclohexene Hydration with Solid Acid Catalysts in Extractive Mode, Chem. Eng. Sci., 57 (3), 2002, 315-322.
- Mahajani S. M., Sharma M. M., Sridhar T., Direct Hydration of Propylene in Liquid phase and under Supercritical Conditions in the Presence of Solid Acid as Catalyst, Chem. Eng. Sci.,57 (22-23), 2002, 4877-4882.
- Gangadwala J., Mankar S., Mahajani S. M., Kienle A., Stein E., Synthesis of butyl acetate in the presence of ion exchange resins as catalysts, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 42(10), 2003, 2146-2155.
- Gangadwala J., Kienle A., Stein E., Mahajani S., Production of Butyl Acetate by Catalytic Distillation: Process Design Studies, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 43 (1), 2004, 136-143.
- Hiwale R., Bhate N., Mahajan Y., Mahajani S. M., Commercial Applications of Reactive Distillation: Recent Trends, Int. J. Chem. React. Engg., Volume 2: R1, 2004.
- Singh A., Hiwale R., Mahajani S. M., Gudi R. D., Gangadwala J., Kienle A., Production of Butyl Acetate by Catalytic Distillation. Theoretical and Experimental Studies, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 44 (9), 2005, 3042-3052.
- Talwalkar S., Chauhan M., Aghalayam P., Mahajani S., Qi Z., Sundmacher K. Kinetics of dimerisation of isobutylene in the presence of ion exchange resin catalyst, Chemical Engineering Transactions, Vol.7, 2005, 213-216.
- Talwalkar S., Kumbhar P., Mahajani S. M., In-situ coating on cation exchange resin catalyst, Amberlyst 15, and its impact on the hydration of dicyclopentadiene, Catalysis Communications, 7 (9), 2006, 717-720.
- Kumar R., Mahajani S. M., Nanavati H., Noronha S., Recovery of lactic acid by batch reactive distillation, J. Chemical Technol. and Biotechnol., 81 (7), 2006, 1141-1150.
- Kumar R., Mahajani S. M., Nanavati H., Noronha S., A continuous process for the recovery of lactic acid by reactive distillation, J. Chemical Technol. andBiotechnol., 81(11), 2006, 1767-1777.
- Talwalkar S., Mahajani S. M., Synthesis of methyl isobutyl ketone from acetone over metal-doped ion exchange resin, Applied Catalysis A: General 302 (1), 2006, 140-148.
- Singh A., Tiwari A., Mahajani S. M., Gudi R. D., Recovery of Acetic acid from Aqueous Solutions by Reactive Distillation, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 45 (6), 2006, 2017-2025.
- Talwalkar S., Chauhan M., Aghalayam P., Mahajani S., Qi Z., Sundmacher K. Kinetic studies on dimerization of isobutene with ion exchange resin in the presence of water as selectivity enhancer, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 45 (4), 2006, 1312-1323.
- Kamath, R., Qi Z., Sundmacher K., Aghalayam P., Mahajani S. M., Process Analysis of dimerisation of isobutene in a reactive distillation column. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2006, 45 (5), 1575-1582.
- Kamath R., Qi Z., Sundmacher K., Aghalayam P., Mahajani S. M., Comparison of Reactive Distillation with Process Alternatives for the Isobutene Dimerization Reaction, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2006, 45 (8), 2707-2714.
- Katariya A., Moudgalya K., Mahajani S. M., Non-linear dynamic effects in reactive distillation for synthesis of TAME, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2006, 45 (12), 4233-4242.
- Talwalkar S., Mahajani S. M., Hydration of dicyclopentadiene in the presence of cationic exchange resin, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 45 (24), 2006, 8024-8028.
- Khadse A., Qayyumi M., Mahajani S. M., Aghalayam P., Reactor Model for the Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) Channel, Int. J. Chem. React.Engg, 4, 2006, Article A37.
- Singh K. K., Mahajani S. M., Shenoy K. T., Patwardhan A. W., Ghosh S. K., CFD Modeling of Pilot-scale Pump-mixer: Single-phase Head and Power Characteristics, Chem. Engg. Sci., 62 (5), 2007, 1308-1322.
- Singh K. K., Mahajani S. M., Shenoy K. T., Ghosh S. K., CFD Modeling of Bench-scale Pump-mixer: Head, Power and Residence Time Distribution, Ind. Eng. Chem., 46 (7), 2007, 2180-2190 .
- Thotla S., Agarwal V., Mahajani S. M., Simultaneous Production of Diacetone Alcohol and Mesityl Oxide from Acetone using Reactive distillation, Chem. Engg. Sci. 62 (18-20), 2007, 5567-5574.
- Talwalkar S., Mankar S., Katariya A., Aghalayam P., Ivanova M., Sundmacher K., Mahajani S. M., Selectivity Engineering with Reactive Distillation for Dimerization of C4-Olefins: Experimental and Theoretical Studies, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 46 (10), 2007, 3024-3034.
- Thotla S., Agarwal V., Mahajani S. M., Aldol condensation of Acetone with Reactive Distillation using water as a Selectivity Enhancer, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 46 (25), 2007, 8371-8379.
- Khadse A., Qayyumi M., Mahajani S. M., Aghalayam P., Underground Coal Gasification: A New Clean Coal Utilization Technique for India, Energy, 32 (11), 2007, 2061-2071.
- Kumar R., Mahajani S. M., Esterification of lactic acid with n-butanol by Reactive Distillation, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 46 (21), 2007, 6873-6882.
- Singh A., Tiwari A., Bansal V., Gudi R. D., Mahajani S. M., Recovery of Acetic Acid by Reactive distillation: Parametric Study and Nonlinear Dynamic Effects, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 46 (26), 2007, 9196-9204.
- Srinivas S., Malik R. K., Mahajani S. M., Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis using bio-syngas and CO2, Energy for Sustainable Development, Vol. XI, No. 4, Dec 2007, 66-71.
- Chalakova M., Kaur R., Freund H., Mahajani S., Sundmacher K., Innovative reactive distillation process for the production of the MTBE substitute isooctane from isobutene, DGMK Tagungsbericht,(2), 2007, pp. 133-138.
- Mahajan Y. S., Shah A. K., Kamath R. S., Salve N. B., Mahajani S. M., Recovery of trifluoroacetic acid from dilute aqueous solutions by reactive distillation,Sep and Purif. Tech., 59 (1), 2008, 58-66.
- Mahajan Y. S., Kamath R. S., Kumbhar P. S., Mahajani S. M., Self-condensation of cyclohexanone over ion-exchange resin catalysts:Kinetics and Selectivity aspects, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 47 (1), 2008, 25-33.
- Singh K. K., Mahajani S. M., Shenoy K. T., Ghosh S. K., CFD Modeling of Pump-Mix Action in Continuous Flow Stirred Tank, AIChE J., 54 (1), 2008, 42-55.
- Singh K. K., Mahajani S. M., Shenoy K. T., Ghosh S. K., Representative Drop Sizes and Drop Size Distributions in A/O Dispersions in Continuous Flow Stirred Tank, Hydrometallurgy, 90 (2-4), 2008, 121-136.
- Srinivas S., Malik R. K., Mahajani S. M., Feasibility of Reactive Distillation for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 47 (3), 2008, 889-899.
- Jayakumar J. S., Mahajani S. M., Mandal J. C., Vijayan P. K., Bhoi R., Experimental and CFD estimation of heat transfer in helically coiled heat exchangers,Chem. Eng. Res. Des., 86 (3), 2008, 221-232.
- Katariya A., Kamath R. S., Moudgalya K., Mahajani S. M., Non-Equilibrium Stage Modeling and Non-linear dynamic effects in the synthesis of TAME by reactive distillation, Comput. & Chem. Engg., 32 (10), 2008, 2243-2255.
- Agarwal V., Thotla S., Mahajani S. M., Attainable Regions of Reactive Distillation - Part I. Non-Azeotropic Single Reactant Systems, Chem. Engg. Sci., 63 (11), 2008, 2946-2965.
- Agarwal V., Thotla S., Kaur R., Mahajani S. M., Attainable Regions of Reactive Distillation - Part II. Single Reactant Azeotropic Systems, Chem. Engg. Sci., 63 (11), 2008, 2928-2945.
- Gyani V. C., Mahajani S. M., Reactive Chromatography for the Synthesis of 2-Ethylhexyl Acetate, Separation Science and Technology, 43 (9-10), 2008, 2245-2268.
- Thotla S., Mahajani S. M., Conceptual Design of Reactive Distillation for Selectivity improvement in Multiple Reactant Systems, Chem. Eng. Res. Des., 87 (1), 2009, 61-82.
- Deshmukh K. S., Gyani V. C., Mahajani S. M., Esterification of Butyl Cellosolve with Acetic Acid using Ion Exchange Resin in Fixed Bed Chromatographic Reactors, Int. J. Chem. React. Engg, 2009, 7, Article A2.
- Thotla S., Mahajani S. M., Reactive Distillation with Side-draw, Chem. Engg.& Processing.: Process Intensification, 48 (4), 2009, 927-937.
- Srinivas S., Malik R. K., Mahajani S. M., Feasibility of Reactive Distillation for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis. 2, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 48 (10), 2009, 4710-4718.
- Srinivas S., Malik R. K., Mahajani S. M., Feasibility of Reactive Distillation for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis. 3, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 48 (10), 2009, 4719-4730.
- Singh K. K., Mahajani S. M., Shenoy K. T., Ghosh S. K., Population Balance Modeling of Liquid-Liquid Dispersions in Homogeneous Continuous Flow Stirred Tank, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 48 (17), 2009, 8121-8133.
- Suman T., Srinivas S., Mahajani S. M., Entrainer Based Reactive Distillation for Esterification of Ethylene glycol with Acetic Acid, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2009, 48 (21), 9461-9470.
- Talwalkar S., Thotla S., Sundmacher K., Mahajani S. M., Simultaneous hydrogenation and isomerization of diisobutylenes over Pd-doped ion exchange resin catalyst, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2009, 48 (24), 10857-10863.
- Jayakumar J. S., Mahajani S. M., Mandal J. C., Iyer K. N., Vijayan P. K., CFD Analysis of Single-phase flows inside Helically Coiled tubes, Comput. & Chem. Engg., 2010, 34 (4), 430-446.
- Jayakumar J. S., Mahajani S. M., Mandal J. C., Iyer, K. N., Vijayan P. K., Thermal Hydraulic Characteristics of Air-Water Two-phase Flows in Helical Pipes,Chem. Eng. Res. Des., 2010, 88 (4), 501-512.
- Sateesh D., Mandapati, R. N., Mahajani S. M., Ganesh, A., Aghalayam, P., Mathur D. K., Sharma R. K., Laboratory studies on combustion cavity growth in lignite coal blocks in the context of Underground Coal Gasification, Energy, 2010, 35 (6), 2374-2386.
- Srinivas S., Mahajani S. M., Malik R. K., Reactive Distillation for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis: Feasible Solution Space, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2010, 49 (14), 6350-6361.
- Hasabnis A. C., Mahajani, S. M., Entrainer-based Reactive Distillation for Esterification of Glycerol with Acetic acid, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2010, 49 (19),9058-9067.
- Srinivas S., Mahajani S. M., Malik R. K., Reactive Distillation for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis: Simulation-based Design Methodology using Aspen Plus, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2010, 49 (20), 9673-9692.
- Sateesh D., Mandapati, R. N., Mahajani S. M., Ganesh, A., Sharma R. K., Pal K., Aghalayam P., Compartment Modeling for Flow Characterization of Underground Coal Gasification Cavity, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2011, 50 (1), 277-290.
- Sateesh D., Mandapati, R.N., Mahajani S.M., Ganesh, A., Sapru A.K., Sharma R.K., Aghalayam, P., Laboratory studies on cavity growth and product gas composition in the context of underground coal gasification. Energy, 2011, 36 (3), 1776-1784.
- Amte V., Nistala S., Malik R., Mahajani S.M., Attainable Regions of Reactive Distillation-Part III. Complex Reaction Scheme: van de Vusse Reaction, Chem. Engg. Sci., 2011, 66 (11), 2285-2297.
- Patil K.N., Mahajani S.M., Solanki C.S., Optimization of Catalyst Loading for Effective Utilization of Feed Stock for Carbo Nanotubes Synthesis Process, Int. J. NanoSci., 2011, 10 (4), 1-5.
- Sateesh D., Mandapati, R. N., Mahajani S. M., Ganesh, A., Pal, A., Sharma R., Aghalayam P., Compartment Modeling for Flow Characterization of Underground Coal Gasification Cavity Part-II, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2012, 51, 4493-4508.
- Patidar P., Mahajani S.M., Entrainer-Based Reactive Distillation for the Synthesis of 2-Ethylhexyl Acetate, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2012, 51 (26), 8748-8759.
- Kumar, R., Mahajani S.M., Mohan, S., Investigation of Hydrodynamic Behavior of a Pilot-Scale Trickle Bed Reactor Packed with Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Packings Using Radiotracer Technique, J Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., 2012, (294),71–75.
- Patidar P., Mahajani S.M., Esterification of Fusel Oil Using Reactive Distillation- Part I: Reaction Kinetics, Chem. Eng. J., 2012, 377–387.
- Hasabnis A. C., Mahajani, S. M., Transacetalisation of Glycerol with Methylal by Reactive Distillation, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2012, 51 (40), 13021–13036.
- Amte V., Malik R., Mahajani S.M., Optimization based Conceptual Design of Reactive Distillation for Selectivity Engineering, Comput. Chem. Eng.,2013, 48, 209-217.
- Mandapati, R.N., Sateesh D., Mahajani S.M., Aghalayam, P., Sapru R., Sharma R., Ganesh, A., Experiments and Kinetic Modeling for CO2 Gasification of Indian Coal Chars in the Context of Underground Coal Gasification. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2012, 51 (46), 15041–15052.
- Purohit, J., Mahajani S.M., Patwardhan, S., Analysis of Steady State Multiplicity In Reactive Distillation Columns, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2013, 52(14), 5191–5206.
- Hasan, S.U, Mahajani S. M., Malik R. K., Selectivity Engineering with Single-Feed Hybrid Reactive Distillation Columns, Chem. Engg. Sci.,2013,99, 324–334.
- Bhaskaran, S., Ganesh, A., Mahajani S.M., Aghalayam, P., Sapru R., Mathur, D.K., Comparison Between Two Types of Indian Coals for the Feasibility of Underground Coal Gasification Through Laboratory Scale Experiments, Fuel, 2013, 113, 837-843.
- Kumar, R., Mahajani S.M., Mohan, S., Reactive Stripping For the Catalytic Exchange of Hydrogen Isotopes, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2013, 52 (32), 10935–10950.
- Singh, D., Patidar, P., Mahajani, S., Ganesh, A., Esterification of Oleic Acid with Glycerol in the Presence of Supported Zinc Oxide as Catalyst, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2013, 14776–14786.
- Patidar P., Mahajani S.M.,Esterification of Fusel Oil using Reactive Distillation - part II: Process Alternatives, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2013, 52 (47),16637–16647.
- Shiralkar K., Sravankumar K., Mahajani S. M. and Shah N. F.,Energy Improvements in Jaggery Making Process, Energy for Sustainable Development,2013,18, 36-48.
- Purohit, J. L., Patwardhan, S. C., Mahajani, S. M."DAE-EKF-Based Nonlinear Predictive Control of Reactive Distillation Systems Exhibiting Input and Output Multiplicities", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2013, 52 (38), 13699–13716.
- Bhoi R., Singh K. K., Mahajani S. M., Transesterification of Sunflower Oil in Microreactors, Int.J. Chem.React.Eng., 2013, 12(1), 1-16.
- Reddy, B., Mahajani, S.,Feasibility of Reactive Chromatography for the Synthesis of n˗Propyl Acetate, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2014, 53, 1395-1403.
- Singh, D., Bhoi, R., Mahajani, S., Ganesh, A., Synthesis of Biodiesel from Vegetable Oil Using Supported Metal Oxide Catalysts, Energy & Fuels., 2014,
- Singh, D., Reddy, B., Ganesh, A., Mahajani, S., Zinc-Lanthanum Mixed Oxide Catalyst for the Synthesis of Glycerol Carbonate by Transesterification of Glycerol, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2014, Accepted.
- Hasabnis A. C., Mahajani, S. M., Acetalisation of Glycerol with Formaldehyde by Reactive Distillation, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2014, Accepted.
- Gyani V. C., Reddy, B., Bhat, R., Mahajani S. M., Simulated Moving Bed Reactor for the Synthesis of 2-Ethylhexyl Acetate – Part I: Experiments and Simulations, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2014, Accepted.
- Hasabnis A. C., Mahajani, S. M., Acetalisation of Glycerol with Formaldehyde by Reactive Distillation, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2014, 53(31), 12279-12287.
- Gyani V. C., Reddy, B., Bhat, R., Mahajani S. M., Simulated Moving Bed Reactor for the Synthesis of 2-Ethylhexyl Acetate – Part I: Experiments and Simulations, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2014, 53(41), 15811-15823.
- Singh, D., Ganesh, A., Mahajani, S., Heterogeneous Catalysis for Biodiesel Synthesis and Valorization of Glycerol, Clean Technol. Envir., 2014, 17(4), 1103-1110.
- Reddy, B., Gyani, V., Mahajani, S., Simulated Moving Bed Reactor for the Synthesis of 2-Ethylhexyl Acetate – Part II Simulation Based Design, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2014, 53(41), 15824-15835.
- Hasan, S.U, Mahajani S. M., Malik R. K., Selectivity Engineering with Simple and Complex Hybrid Reactive Distillation Columns, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2014, 53(48), 18526-18538.
- Hasan, S.U, Mahajani, S. M., Malik, R. K., Selectivity Engineering with Single Feed Multi-Side draw Hybrid Reactive Distillation columns, Chem. Eng. J., 2015, 278, 479-491.
- Praveen, G., Ganesh, A., Mahajani, S., Stabilization of Fast Pyrolysis Oil Derived from Wood through Esterification. Int. J. Chem. React. Eng., 2015, Accepted.
- Bhaskaran, S., Samdani, G., Aghalayam, P., Ganesh, A., Singh, R.P., Sapru, R.K., Jain, P.K., Mahajani, S. Experimental studies on spalling characteristics of Indian lignite coal in context of underground coal gasification. Fuel, 2015, 154, 326-337.
- Reddy, B., Bhat, R., Patidar, P., Agrawal, A., Mahajani, S.,“Comparison of Reactive Chromatography and Reactive Distillation for the Synthesis of C1-C4 Carboxylic Esters”, Chem. Eng. Processing: Process Intensification., 2015, 95, 17-25.
- Ghodke P., Vijaya Lakshmi Ch., Ganesh A., Mahajani. S. M., "Stabilization of pyrolysis oil: Comparison of reactive distillation and reactive chromatography." Chem. Eng. Processing: Process Intensification., 2015, 95, 327-338.
- Arora, P., Hoadley, A., Mahajani, S. M., Ganesh, A. "Modelling and Optimisation of Dual Fluidisation Bed Gasifiers for Production of Chemicals." Chem. Eng. Trans. 2015, 45, 1111-1116.
- Sharma, I., Hoadley, A., Mahajani, S. M., Ganesh, A. "Methodology for “Surrogate-Assisted” Multi-Objective Optimisation (MOO) for Computationally Expensive Process Flowsheet Analysis." Chem. Eng. Trans. 2015, 45, 349-354.
- Reddy, B., Mistry, k., Kumar, R., Mohan, S., Mahajani, S.M., "Recovery of Deuterium from Hydrogen-Deuterium Mixture using Palladium" Sep Sci Tech. 2015, 15(5), 784-796
- Samdani G., Aghalayam P., Ganesh A., Sapru R.K., Lohar B.L., Mahajani S.M. "A process model for underground coal gasification – Part-I: Cavity growth" Fuel, 2016, 181, 690-703
- Samdani G., Aghalayam P., Ganesh A., Sapru R.K., Lohar B.L., Mahajani S.M. "A process model for underground coal gasification – Part-II growth of outflow channel" Fuel, 2016,181, 587-599
- Namdeo A., Mahajani S. M., Suresh A. K., "Palladium catalysed oxidation of glycerol-Effect of catalyst support" J. Mol. Catal. A Chem. 2016, 421, 45–56
- Arora, P., Hoadley, A., Mahajani, S. M., Ganesh, A. "Small-Scale Ammonia Production from Biomass: A Techno-Enviro-Economic Perspective" Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2016, 55, 6422-6434.
- Unnarkat A. P., Sridhar T., Wang H, Mahajani S. M., Suresh A. K., "Cobalt Molybdenum oxide catalysts for selective oxidation of cyclohexane" AIChE Journal, 2016, 62(12), 4384-4402
- Arora, P., Hoadley, A. F. A., Mahajani, S., Ganesh, A.."Multi-level Modelling of Sustainable Chemical Production; From CFD to LCA" Comput. Aided Chem. Eng., 38, 499-504, 2016.
- Sharma, I., Arora, P., Hoadley, A. F. A., Mahajani, S., Ganesh, A., "Remote, small-scale, ‘greener’ routes of ammonia production", 29th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS 2016), Slovenia, June. 2016
- Arora, P., Hoadley, A., Mahajani, S. M., Ganesh, A. "Compartment model for a dual fluidized bed biomass gasifier " Chem. Eng. Res. Des., 2017, 117, 274-286.
- Gadekar-Shinde, Shambala; Reddy, Bhoja; Khan, Mohammad; Chavan, Sanjay; Saini, Daulat; Mahajani, S. M.,"Reactive Distillation for the Production of Methoxy Propyl Acetate: Experiments and Simulation" Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2017, 56, 832-843.
- Unnarkat, A. P., Sridhar, T., Wang, H., Mahajani, S. M. "Study of cobalt molybdenum oxide supported on mesoporous silica for liquid phase cyclohexane oxidation" Catalysis Today, 2017, Article in press.
- Bhoi, R., Singh, D., Mahajani S. M. "Investigation of mass transfer limitations in simultaneous esterification and transesterification of triglycerides using heterogeneous catalyst" React. Chem. Eng., 2017, 2, 740-753.
- Sandeep, K. C., Shinde, S. S., Bhanjaa, K., Mohan, S., Mandal, D., Mahajani, S. M. "Adsorption kinetics on the recovery of hydrogen isotopes from helium using palladium particle bed" Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 42, 2017, 29300-29309.
- Pradhan, P., Arora, A., Mahajani, S. M. "Pilot scale evaluation of fuel pellets production from garden waste biomass" Energy Sustain Dev., 43, 2018, 1-14.
- Khan, M. M., Singh, M., Mahajani, S. M., Jadhav, N., Shashank, M. "Reclamation of used green sand in small scale foundries" Journal of Materials Processing Tech. 255, 2018, 559–569.
- Bhoi, Rohidas.; Mahajani, Sanjay. "Investigation of Spontaneous Emulsification and its Relevance in Biodiesel Synthesis" React. Chem. Eng., React. Chem. Eng., 2018, 3, 171-181.
- Gupta, Ankita; Thengane, Sonal; Mahajani, Sanjay. "CO2 gasification of Char from lignocellulosic garden waste: experimental and kinetic study" Bioresour. Technol., 263,2018,180-191.
- Siddiqui, Haseen; Thengane, Sonal; Sharma, Sandeep; Mahajani, Sanjay. "Revamping Downdraft Gasifier to Minimize Clinker Formation for High-ash Garden Waste as Feedstock". Bioresour. Technol., 2018,266, 220-231
- Pradhan, P., Mahajani, S. M., Arora A. "Production and utilization of fuel pellets from biomass: A review." Fuel Process Technol., 181, 2018, 215-232.
- Arora, P., Sharma, I., Hoadley, A., Mahajani, S., Ganesh, A., "Remote, small-scale, ‘greener’ routes of ammonia production", J Clean Prod, 2018,199,177-192.
- Thengane, Sonal; Gupta, Ankita; Mahajani, Sanjay. "Co-gasification of high ash biomass and high ash coal in downdraft gasifier" Bioresour. Technol,273(2019),159-168
- Pradhan, P.; Arora, A.; Mahajani, S. M. "A semi-empirical approach towards predicting producer gas composition in biomass gasification" Bioresour. Technol. 272, 2019, 535-544.
- Das, S.; Gupta, A.;Singh, D.; Mahajani, S. "La/Zn Bi-metallic Oxide Catalyst for Epoxidation of Styrene by Cumene Hydroperoxide: Kinetics and Reaction Engineering Aspects" Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2019, 58, 7448−7460
- Khan, M. M., Singh, M., Jadhav, N., Mahajani, S. M., Shashank, M. " Characterization of waste and reclaimed green sand used in foundry processing”, Silicon (2019).
- K.C. Sandeep, Sadhana Mohan, D. Mandal, Sanjay Mahajani "Determination of gas film mass transfer coefficient in a packed bedreactor for the catalytic combustion of hydrogen" Chemical Engineering Science, 202, 2019, 508–518.
- Pradhan, Priyabrata, Gadkari, Prabodh, Mahajani, Sanjay M., Arora, Amit "A conceptual framework and techno-economic analysis of a pelletization-gasification based bioenergy system", Applied Energy 2019, 249, 1-13
- Verma, P., Shah, N. G., & Mahajani, S.M., 2019, "Why jaggery powder is more stable than solid jaggery blocks", LWT- Food Science and Technology, 110, 299–306.
- Verma, P., Shah, N.G., & Mahajani, S.M., 2019. "Effects of acid treatment in jaggery making", Food Chemistry, 299, 125094.
- Verma, P., Shah, N.G., & Mahajani, S.M. (2019), "Effect of sodium hydrosulphite treatment on the quality of non-centrifugal sugar: Jaggery", Food Chemistry, 299, 125043
- Verma, P., Shah, N. G., & Mahajani, S. M., "A Novel Technique to Characterize and Quantify Crystalline and Amorphous Matter in Complex Sugar Mixtures", Food Analytical Methods,2020, DOI 10.1007/s12161-020-01789-1.
- Verma, P., Shah, N. G., & Mahajani, S. M., "Drying characteristics of non-centrifugal sugar", Drying Technology, 2019, DOI 10.1080/07373937.2019.1684318.
- Gupta, A., Thengane, S.K., Mahajani, S.M., Kinetic study on pyrolysis and gasification of cotton stalk from Central India. Fuel, 263,(2020), 11675.
- Gupta, A., Mahajani, S.M., "Kinetic Studies in Pyrolysis of Garden Waste in the Context of Downdraft Gasification: Experiments and Modeling", Energy, (2020) in press
- Verma, P., Iyar, S., Shah, N. G., & Mahajani, S. M., "Insights into the crystallization phenomenon in the production of non-centrifugal sugar", Journal of Food Engineering, Journal of Food Engineering Volume 290, February 2021, 110259.
- Pradhan, P., Mahajani, S. M., Arora A., "Pilot scale production of fuel pellets from waste biomass leaves: Effect of milling size on pelletization process and pellet quality", Fuel, Volume 285, 1 February 2021, 119145.
- Kamal, S., Mahajani, S. M., "Kinetic study for oligomerization of acetaldehyde over cation exchange resin", Applied Catalysis A: General (Manuscript ID.: APCATA-D-20-01024R3) in press.
- Khan, M. M., Mahajani, S. M., Jadhav, G. N., Vishwakarma, R., Malgaonkar, V., Mandre, S. 2020. Mechanical and thermal methods for reclamation of waste foundry sand. Journal of Environmental Management (Manuscript ID JEMA-D-20-06087R1) in press.
- Kamal, S., Mahajani, S. M., "A Greener Alternative for the Synthesis of Methyl Pentenone using Reusable Cation Exchange Resin”, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (Manuscript ID ie-2020-03864y.R3) in press.
- Gupta, A., Siddiqui, H., Rathi, S., Mahajani, S. M., "Intra-pellet transport limitations in the pyrolysis of raintree leaveslitter", Energy, (Manuscript ID: EGY-D-20-07161R2) in press.
- Siddiqui, H., Gupta, A., Mahajani, S. M., "Non-equimolar transient grain model for CO2-gasification of single biomass char pellet”, Fuel, Ref: JFUE-D-20-02564R1
- Kamal, S., Nabar, R., Mahajani, S. “Fixed-Bed Reactor with Side Injection: A Promising Option for the Aldol Condensation of Acetaldehyde”, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2021, 60 (5), 2058–2069.
- Das, S.; Ghosh, Shashwata; Nadeem, Mohd;, Seethamraju, S., Mahajani, S. M, “Isobaric vapor liquid equilibria for binary mixtures of 2-phenylethanol with 1-phenylethanol, 2-phenylpropan-2-ol, ethylbenzene and isopropyl benzene at 101.3 kPa", Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, je-2020-010404R2.
- Khan, M. M., Mahajani, S.M., Jadhav, G. N., “Transformation of bentonite used in green sand molds during metal casting process and its relevance in sand reclamation”, Applied Clay Science, Volume 206, 106072.
- Mohd Moiz Khan, S.M. Mahajani, G.N. Jadhav, Rohit Vishwakarma, Vithoba Malgaonkar, "Determination of recycle potential in waste green foundry sand through spatiotemporal analysis of sand mold", Cleaner Engineering and Technology, Volume 5, 2021, 100329, ISSN 2666-7908,
- Singh D., Solanki P. S., Yadav A., Shinde A., Chandel S., Mahajani S. M., Feasibility of solvent-assisted chromatography for the synthesis of 2,2 Di-methoxy Propane, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2021, 60, 25, 9037–9048
- A. Fazil, S. Kumar, S.M. Mahajani, "Downdraft co-gasification of high ash biomass and plastics Energy", Energy 243 (2022) 1230552
- A. Namdeo, J.H. Jhaveri, S.M. Mahajani, A.K. Suresh, "Palladium catalyzed liquid phase oxidation of glycerol under alkaline conditions - Kinetic analysis and Modelling, Chemical Engineering Journal (2022),
- Das Sudip; Mahajani Sanjay, "Cumene Hydroperoxide Induced Epoxidation of Styrene Using Cu<sub>2</sub>O and pbo as Catalysts", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2022, Manuscript ID: ie-2022-03706b.R1.
- Sneha R. Iyer, Sanjay M. Mahajani, "Agitated thin film drying of non-centrifugal sugars: Impact of processing parameters on the crystallinity and dissolution rates of NCS powder", Journal of Food Engineering, Volume 343, 2023, 111392, ISSN 0260-8774,
- Kapil Jayant, Sanjay Mahajani, "Feasibility of Reactive Chromatography for the production of 2-phenyl ethyl acetate", The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Manuscript ID CJCE-22-0494.R1.
- D Majumdar, M Gupta, Y Shastri, S M Mahajani, "Environmental and economic assessment of gas production from gas hydrate reserves in Krishna-Godavari basin in the Indian offshore", Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 56, 103050.
- A Fazil, S Kumar, S M Mahajani, "Gasification and Co-gasification of paper-rich, high-ash refuse-derived fuel in downdraft gasifier", Energy 263, 125659.
- S Vikram, S P Deore, C De Blasio, S M Mahajani, S Kumar "Air gasification of high-ash solid waste in a pilot-scale downdraft gasifier: Experimental and numerical analysis", 2022, Energy, 126912
- Deore, S.P., Kumar, S., Mahajani, S.M., De Blasio, C. "Co-gasification of sanitary napkin with sawdust biomass in downdraft gasifier for thermal applications: An experimental approach", Energy, 2023, 276, 127562
- Deore, S.P., Gadkari, P., Mahajani, S.M., Kumar, S., Kumar, S., "Development of a new premixed burner for biomass gasifier generated low calorific value producer gas for industrial applications" , Energy, 2023, 279, 128140.
- Pradhan, P., Deore, S.P., Gadkari, P., Arora, A., Mahajani, S.M. , "Field evaluation of biomass gasifier for bioenergy application: Case studies on institutional cooking in India", Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 2023, 59, 103409
- Kriti Dubey, Sweta Snigdha Mishra, Sanjay Mahajani, Amit Arora, Rekha Singhal, "Formulation of Jaggery based Functional Cookies: Optimization and Evaluation of Sensory, Physico-chemical, Nutritional, and Nutraceutical properties", Sugar Tech, 2023, Ms. No. SUTE-D-23-00065R2
- Saini, R., Deb Barma, S., Srinivas Rao, D., Basu, S., Mahajani, S.M., "Applied mineralogical investigation on coal gasification ash" Waste Management, 2023, 167, pp. 1–12
Conference Papers:
- Mahajani S. M., Sharma M. M. and Sridhar T., Autoxidation of cyclohexene, International Conference on Chemical Engineering (CHEMECA98), Port Douglas, North Queensland, Australia, September 1998.
- Shah U., Mahajani S. M., Sharma M. M. and Sridhar T., Oxidation of isobutane under Supercritical Conditions, International Conference on Chemical Engineering (CHEMECA98), Port Douglas, North Queensland, Australia, September 1998.
- Mahajani S. M., Design aspects of multicomponent reactive distillation, paper presented in absencia at 1st International Conference on Multifunctional Reactors held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 1999.
- Kachuki P.R. and Mahajani S. M., Study of Isomerization in batch reactive distillation, Chemical Engineering Congress (CHEMCON 2002), Hyderabad, 2002.
- Hiwale R. S., Naphade P. S. and Mahajani S. M., Synthesis of butyl acetate through reactive distillation, Chemical Engineering Congress (CHEMCON 2002), Hyderabad, 2002.
- Bakshi S., Biswas S., Mahajani S. M., Patwardhan S. R., Activated Carbon from Bamboo: Experimental Analysis, BAMTECH 2003, Guwahati, 2003.
- Singh A., Katariya A. M., Mahajani S. M. and Gudi R. D., Feasibility analysis of reactive distillation system with liquid phase splitting, Indian Chemical Engineering Congress (CHEMCON 2005), IIT-Delhi, India, Dec 2005.
- Talwalkar S., Chauhan M., Aghalayam P., Mahajani S. M., Qi Z. and Sundmacher K., Kinetics of dimerisation of isobutylene in the presence of ion exchange resin catalyst, 8th Conference on Process Integration, Modeling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, Giardini Naxos, Italy, July 2005.
- Talwalkar S. and Mahajani S. M., One-step synthesis of methyl isobutyl ketone from acetone over metal impregnated cationic exchange resin (in reactive distillation), Indian Chemical Engineering Congress (CHEMCON 2005), IIT-Delhi, India, Dec 2005.
- Kamath R., Qi Z., Sundmacher K., Aghalayam P., Mahajani S. M., Dimerisation of isobutene by Reactive Distillation: Process Analysis and Comparison with conventional reactor concepts, 8th Conference on Process Integration, Modeling and Optimization for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, Giardini Naxos, Italy, July 2005.
- Kamath R., Suresh A., Mahajani S. M., Mass Transfer Limitations in Uncatalyzed Liquid Phase Oxidation of Cyclohexane, Indian Chemical Engineering Congress (CHEMCON 2005), IIT-Delhi, India, Dec 2005.
- Bhate N., Mahajani S. M. and Juvekar V. A., Investigations of phase and interfacial equilibria in nitrobenzene-sulfuric acid-water system, Indian Chemical Engineering Congress (CHEMCON 2005), IIT-Delhi, India, Dec 2005.
- Thotla S., Agarwal V. and Mahajani S. M., Simultaneous Production of Diacetone Alcohol and Mesityl Oxide from Acetone using Reactive distillation, ISCRE-19 , Potsdam/Berlin, Germany, September 2006.
- Agarwal V., Thotla S. and Mahajani S. M., Selectivity Engineering with Reactive Distillation: Determination of Attainable Region, DISTILLATION & ABSORPTION, UK, September 2006.
- Khadse A., Qayyumi M., Mahajani S. M. and Aghalayam P., Comparison of Thermodynamic Equilibrium compositions for Indian coals, PCC 2006, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Sept 2006.
- Srinivas S., Malik R. K. and Mahajani S. M., Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis using CO2 and Bio-syngas, AER 2006, IIT-Bombay, Dec 2006.
- Shah A. K. and Mahajani S. M., Process Design studies for the manufactire of Isooctane - a fuel additive, AER 2006, IIT-Bombay, Dec 2006.
- Kaur R., Agarwal V., Thotla S. and Mahajani S. M., Attainable Regions of Reactive Distillation: Multiple azeotrope systems and systems with inerts, CHEMCON 2006, Ankleshwar, India, Dec 2006.
- Gyani V.C. and Mahajani S. M., Synthesis of 2-ethylhexyl acetate via Reactive Chromatography, CHEMCON 2006, Ankleshwar, India, Dec 2006.
- Mahajan Y., Shah A., Kamath R., Mahajani S. M., Recovery of trifluoroacetic acid from dilute aqueous solutions:Batch kinetics and reactive distillation studies, CHEMCON 2006, Ankleshwar, India, Dec 2006.
- Kamath R., Talwalkar S., Chalakova M., Aghalayam P., Sundmacher K. and Mahajani S. M., Reactive Distillation with non-condensable and liquid phase splitting : One-step synthesis of MIBK from acetone, CAMURE-6 & ISMR-5, NCL-Pune, Jan 2007.
- Thotla S., Agarwal V. and Mahajani S. M., Aldol Condensation of Acetone with Reactive Distillation using Water as Selectivity Enhancer, CAMURE-6 & ISMR-5 , NCL-Pune, Jan 2007.
- Srinivas S., Malik R.K. and Mahajani S. M., Fischer-Tropsch process in industrial reactors, PETROTECH 2007, New Delhi, India, Jan 2007.
- Chalakova M., Kaur R., Freund H., Mahajani S. M. and Sundmacher K., Innovative Reactive Distillation Process for the Production of the MTBE substitute Isooctane from Isobutene, DGMK/SCI-Conference, Hamburg, Germany, Oct 2007.
- Srinivas S., Khadse A., Aghalayam P., Ganesh A., Malik R. K. and Mahajani S. M., Fischer-Tropsch synthesis of UCG product gas, PCC 2007, Johannesburg, South Africa, Sept 2007.
- Gyani V.C. and Mahajani S. M., Reactive Chromatography for the Synthesis of 2-ethylhexyl acetate, 15th Symposium on Separation Science and Technology for Energy Application, ORNL, Tennessee, USA, Oct 2007.
- Srinivas S., Malik R. K. and Mahajani S. M., Feasibility of Reactive Distillation for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis, GLS-8, New Delhi, Dec 2007.
- Deshmukh K. S., Gyani V.C. and Mahajani S. M., Esterification of butyl cellosolve with acetic acid using ion exchange resin in fixed bed chromatographic reactors, CHEMCON 2007, Kolkatta, India, Dec 2007.
- Srinivas S., Malik R. K. and Mahajani S. M., Process alternatives for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis of CO2-rich syngas, 235th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, USA, April 2008.
- Singh K. K., Mahajani S. M., Shenoy K. T. and Ghosh S. K., Application of CFD for efficient hydrodynamic design of Pump-mix Mixer Settler, 6th International Conference on CFD in the Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries, Trondheim, Norway, June 2008
- Singh K. K., Mahajani S. M., Shenoy K. T. and Ghosh S. K., CFD Modeling of Pump-Mixers, Proceedings of ISEC-2008 (International Solvent Extraction Conference-2008), Tucson, Arizona, Sept 2008.
- Aghalayam P., Sateesh D., Naidu R., Mahajani S. M., Ganesh A., Sapru, R. K., Sharma R. K., Compartment Modeling for Underground Coal Gasification Cavity, PCC 2008, Pittsburgh, USA, Sept 2008.
- Srinivas S., Khadse A., Aghalayam P., Malik R. K. and Mahajani S. M., Effect of Gasification Conditions on Fischer-Tropsch Liquid and Power Production, PCC 2008, Pittsburgh, USA, Sept 2008.
- Thotla S., Raval K., Gyani V. C., Hasabnis A., Kumar R., Reddy A., Deshmukh S. M., Mahajani S. M., Reactive Separation Processes for Esterification of Fatty Acids with Methanol, GPE-EPIC 2009, Venice, Italy, June 2009.
- Sateesh D., Khadse A., Mahajani S.M., Ganesh, A., Aghalayam, P. Compartment model for laboratory scale Underground coal gasification cavity. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Advanced Energy Research, IIT Bombay, 2007, 12-14th, December, 2007.
- Sateesh D., Mandapati, R.N., Mahajani S.M., Ganesh, A., Aghalayam, P. Compartment model for Underground coal gasification. In Proceedings of the 25th Annual International Pittsburg Coal Conference. Pittsburg, USA, 29th September - 2nd October, 2008.
- Sateesh D., Mandapati, R.N., Mahajani S.M., Ganesh, A., Aghalayam, P. Studies on Flow Pattern in Underground Coal Gasification. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Chemical and Bio-Process Engineering, University of Malaysia, Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, 12-14th August, 2009.
- Sateesh D., Mandapati, R.N., Mahajani S.M., Ganesh, A., Aghalayam, P. Prediction of Underground Coal Gasification performance using compartment models. In Proceedings of the 26th Annual International Pittsburg Coal Conference. Pittsburg, USA, 20-23rd September, 2009.
- Sateesh D., Mandapati, R.N., Mahajani S.M., Ganesh, A., Aghalayam, P. “Laboratory studies on effect of various operating and design parameters on product gas composition in the context of underground coal gasification". In Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering, Philadelphia, PA, USA during 13th-16th June 2010.
- Sateesh D., Mandapati, R.N., Mahajani S.M., Ganesh, A., Aghalayam, P. "Computational Flow Modeling of Underground Coal Gasification Process". In Proceedings of the 27th Annual International Pittsburg Coal Conference. Istanbul, Turkey, 11th -14th October, 2010.
- Sateesh D., Mandapati, R.N., Mahajani S.M., Ganesh, A., Aghalayam, P. "Quantification of the Effect of Various Thermal Boundary Conditions exists in the Underground Coal Gasification Cavities by using Compartment Model". In Proceedings of the 27th Annual International Pittsburg Coal Conference. Istanbul, Turkey, 11th -14th October, 2010.
- Sateesh D., Mandapati, R.N., Mahajani S.M., Ganesh, A., Aghalayam, P. "A Study on the Temperature Profile and Heat Transfer Coefficients in Underground Coal Gasification Cavities". In Proceedings of the 27th Annual International Pittsburg Coal Conference. Istanbul, Turkey, 11th -14th October, 2010.
- Mandapati, R.N., Sateesh D., Mahajani S.M., Ganesh, A., Aghalayam, P. "Studies on Gasification of Char in Fixed Bed Reactor". In Proceedings of the 27th Annual International Pittsburg Coal Conference. Istanbul, Turkey, 11th -14th October, 2010.
- Purohit, J. L., Patwardhan, S. C. and Mahajani, S. M., "Nonlinear Predictive Control of Ideal Reactive Distillation Column Exhibiting Multiplicities", In proceedings of the 5th International Symposium of Design, Operation and Control of Process Systems PSE - Asia, Singapore, pp. 1581-1590, July 2010.
- Patidar, P., Mahajani S.M., "Entrainer Based Reactive Distillation for 2-Ethylhexyl Acetate Synthesis". CAMURE-8 & ISMR-7, Naantali, Finaland, 22nd-25th May 2011.
- Hasabnis, A.C., Mahajani S.M., "Acetalization and Ketalization of Glycerol". CAMURE-8 & ISMR-7, Naantali, Finaland, 22nd-25th May 2011.
- Reddy, B., Patidar, P., Bhat, R., Agarwal, A., Mahajani S.M., Comparative Study of Reactive Chromatography and Reactive Distillation for Esterification Raections". CAMURE-8 & ISMR-7, Naantali, Finaland, 22nd-25th May 2011.
- Bhoi R.G., Singh D.K., Gupta P.D., Ganesh A., Mahajani S.M."Synthesis of Biodiesel in Continuous Packed Bed Reactor Using ZnO/ZSM-5 as a Heterogeneous Catalyst". International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE-22). Maastricht, The Netherlands, 2nd-5th September,2012.
- Patidar, P., Agrawal A., Mahajani S.M., "Esterification of fusel oil using reactive distillation – Part I: Reaction kinetics", 22nd International Symposium on Chemical Reaction EngineeringInternational Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE-22). Maastricht, The Netherlands, 2nd-5th September,2012.
- Patidar, P., Agrawal A., Mahajani S.M., "Esterification of fusel oil using reactive distillation – Part II: Process Alternatives", 22nd International Symposium on Chemical Reaction EngineeringISCRE-22). Maastricht, The Netherlands, 2nd-5th September,2012.
- Samdani G., De S., Mahajani S.M., Ganesh A., Aghalayam P. "Effect of Bed Diffusion and Operating Parameters on Char Combustion in the Context of Underground Coal Gasification". In Proceedings of 2011 COMSOL Conference, Bangalore, India, 4th - 5th, November 2011.
- Samdani G., Mahajani S.M., Ganesh A., Aghalayam P., Sapru R.K., Mathur D.K. (2012). "Experiments and Modeling of Combustion of Coal Monolith in Context of Underground Coal Gasification". In 9th European Conference on Coal Research and its Applications, Nottingham, UK, 10th - 12th, September 2012.
- Samdani G., Mahajani S.M., Ganesh A., Aghalayam P., Sapru R.K., Mathur D.K. "Diffusion Modeling in TGA in Context of CO2 Gasification of Char". In Proceedings of 2012 COMSOL Conference, Bangalore, India, 2nd - 3rd, November 2012.
- Singh D. K., Ganesh A., Mahajani S. M. "A New Heterogeneous Catalyst For Biodiesel Production From Jatropha Oil" 4th International Symposium on Energy & Environment (MAGEEP), Mumbai, 9-12 Dec 2012.
- Samdani G., Mahajani S.M., Ganesh A., Aghalayam P. "A Simplified Process Model for Underground Coal Gasification". In International Conference on Mathematics in Chemical Kinetics and Engineering (MaCKiE), IIT Madras, Chennai, India, 4th - 6th, February 2013.
- Reddy, B., Kumar, R., Mohan, S., Mahajani, S.M., "Kinetic Study of Hydrogen and Deuterium with Palladium", In International Conference on Mathematics in Chemical Kinetics and Engineering (MaCKiE), IIT Madras, Chennai, India, 4th - 6th, February 2013.
- Singh D. K., Ganesh A., Mahajani S. M. "Synthesis of Glycerol Carbonate from Glycerol Using Urea or Di-Methyl Carbonate with Modified Zinc Oxide Supported Catalyst" 10th Congress on Catalysis Applied to Fine Chemicals (CAFC10). Turku/Åbo, Finland, 16th -19th, June 2013.
- Purohit, J. L., Patwardhan, S. C., Mahajani, S. M., "Predictive Control of a Reactive Distillation Column Using Multi-Rate DAE EKF", accepted for presentation in DYCOPS-2013, IIT-B Mumbai, India, Dec. 2013.
- Praveen G., Ganesh A., Mahajani S. M. "Upgradation of fast pyrolysis oil derived from wood through Esterification" 4th International Conference on Advances in Energy Research, IIT-Bombay, India, 10th - 12th Dec, 2013.
- Singh D. K., Ganesh A., Mahajani S. M. "Heterogeneous Catalysis for biodiesel synthesis and valorization of glycerol" 4th International conference on advance energy research (ICAER) IIT Bombay, Mumbai, 10-12 Dec 2013.
- Srikantiah S., Samdani G., Ganesh A., Aghalayam P., Mahajani S. M. "2-D modeling of underground coal gasification" COMSOL Conference 2013, Bangalore, 17-18 Oct 2013.
- Praveen, G., VijayaLakshmi Ch., Ganesh A., Mahajani S. M., “Upgradation of fast pyrolysis oil derived from wood through reactive chromatography”, 21st International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA-2014, Prague, Czech republic, August, 2014.
- Hasan, S.U., Mahajani, S., Malik, R.K., "Selectivity Engineering with Multi-Side draw Hybrid Reactive Distillation Columns", 23rd International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE-23). Bangkok, Thailand, 7th-10th September, 2014.
- Samdani G., Mahajani S.M., Ganesh A., Aghalayam P., Sapru R.K., Lohar B.L., "Importance of Spalling of Coal in Cavity Modeling of Underground Coal Gasification (UCG)", 23rd International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE-23). Bangkok, Thailand, 7th-10th September, 2014.
- Samdani G., Mahajani S.M., Ganesh A., Aghalayam P., Sapru R.K., Lohar B.L., "Importance of Spalling of Coal during the Cavity Modeling of Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) Reactor", 23rd International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE-23). Bangkok, Thailand, 7th-10th September, 2014.
- Samdani G., Mahajani S.M., Ganesh A., Aghalayam P., Sapru R.K., Lohar B.L., "Compartment Modeling for Non-ideal Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) Reactor", 23rd International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE-23). Bangkok, Thailand, 7th-10th September, 2014.
- Reddy, B., Bhat, R., Patidar, P., Agrawal, A., Malhotra, K., Mahajani S.M., “Comparison of Reactive Distillation and Reactive Chromatography for Esterification of Alcohols with Acetic Acid”, 23rd International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE-23). Bangkok, Thailand, 7th-10th September, 2014.
- Bhoi, R., Mahajani S.M., "Effect of agitation intensity and emulsification on transesterification of sunflower oil to produce biodiesel", 23rd International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE-23). Bangkok, Thailand, 7th-10th September 2014.
- Arora, P., Hoadley, A., Mahajani, S.M., Ganesh, A, "Innovative method of production of Ammonia from Biomass Gasification", 22nd European Biomass conference and Exhibition (EUBC&E 2014), Hamburg, Germany, Jun. 2014.
- Arora, P., Hoadley, A., Mahajani, S.M., Ganesh, A, "Residence time distribution study for bubbling fluidized beds using computational fluid dynamics", Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress (APCChE 2015, incorporating CHEMECA 2015), Melbourne, Australia, September 2015.
- Pradhan, P., Mahajani, S. M., Arora, A. "An economic analysis of a pilot scale biomass pelletisation plant. In: Proc: International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Agricultural and Food Engineering (ETAE-2016), IIT Kharagpur, India, Dec 27-30, 2016.
- Pradhan, P., Mahajani, S. M., Arora, A. "Evaluating the sensitivity of biomass feedstocks to producer gas composition using stoichiometric equilibrium model". In: Proc: 6th International Conference on Advances in Energy Research (ICAER-2017), IIT Bombay, India, Dec 12-14, 2017.
- Khan M. M., Singh M., Mahajani S.M., Jadhav G.N., Mandre, S. Reclamation of waste foundry sand. XVI International Conference on Mineral Processing Technology, Chennai, India, 1-3 Feb.2017.
- Pradhan, P., Mahajani, S. M., Arora, A. "Energy requirement for biomass densification via mechanical compression and an integrated pelletization unit". In: Proc: 26th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EUBCE-2018), Copenhagen, Denmark, May 14-17, 2018.
- Pradhan, P., Gadkari P., Arora, A., Mahajani, S.M. "Economic feasibility of agro waste pelletization as an energy option in rural India". In: Proc: 10th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE-2018), Hong Kong, China, August 22-25,2018.
- Gupta, A., Mahajani, S.M., Characterization & Gasification kinetic study of Lignocellulosic Garden waste. 25th International Conference on Reaction Engineering (ISCRE), Italy, 2018.
- Verma, P., Shah, N. G., & Mahajani, S. M., Why jaggery powder is more stable than solid jaggery blocks,32th, European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST), Nantes France,2018.
- Verma, P., Shah, N. G., & Mahajani, S. M., Effect of storage conditions on quality of jaggery, 19th
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- Verma, P., Shah, N. G., & Mahajani, S. M., Scientific understanding of jaggery making, 8th Chemference
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- Verma, P., Shah, N. G., & Mahajani, S. M., Insights into jaggery making process, 1st Tata centre for technology and design symposium, Mumbai, India 2018.
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- Khan M. M., Jadhav G.N, Mahajani S.M. Chemical and mechanical reclamation of waste foundry sand. Chemcon, Jalandhar, Punjab, India, 26-30 Dec. 2018.
- Khan M. M., Jadhav G.N, Mahajani S.M. Mechanical and thermal treatment of waste foundry sand. XVII International Conference on Mineral Processing Technology, IIT (ISM) Dhanbad, India, 8-10 Oct. 2018.
- Khan M. M., Jadhav G.N, Mahajani S.M. Techno-commercial analysis of recycling of waste foundry sand based on mechanical attrition. XVIII International Conference on Mineral Processing Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana, India, 16-18 Dec. 2019.
- Khan M. M., Jadhav G.N, Mahajani S.M. Reclamation of molding sand: A Chemical approach to recycle waste foundry sand. Recycling and waste management-19, New York, USA, 5-6 Dec. 2019.
- Gupta, A., Mahajani, S.M., Pyrolysis Study of Lignocellulosic Garden Waste. 4th NASCRE, Texas, U.S.A., 2019.
- Khan M. M., Jadhav G.N, Mahajani S.M. Innovative Sand Reclamation Technology for the Sustainable Growth of Foundries. Recycle-2020, IIT Guwahati, Assam, India, 13-14 Feb. 2020.
- Pradhan, P., Mahajani, S.M., Arora, A.,“Energy recovery from waste – Gasification of biomass pellets for thermal energy production”, National Environmental Conference (NEC-2019), IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India, January 31– 2 February 2, 2019.
- Pradhan, P., Arora, A., Mahajani, S.M., “An entrepreneurship model of a sustainable bioenergy system in the Indian context”, International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture Development in Changing Global Scenario, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India, October 11-13, 2019.
- Pradhan, P., Arora, A., Mahajani, S.M., “Factors affecting the quality of fuel pellets produced from waste biomass”, International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Green Technology (SEGT-2019), Bangkok, Thailand, December 11-14, 2019.