Santosh Noronha


123, Chemical Engineering

Contact Information


  • +91 (22) 2576 7238 (O)


  • noronha [at] che [dot] iitb [dot] ac [dot] in

Santosh Noronha

Core Faculty

Assistant Prof.


  1. B.Tech. Chemical Engg. I.I.T. Madras 1990

  2. Ph. D. U.M.B.C 1996

Development of enzyme formulations for treatment of ligno-cellulosic biomass: (on-going)

In this work, we aim to characterize cellulases from a Penicillium strain which is good producer. We also propose to construct an expression system in this fungal strain towards developing it into a large scale producer of homologous and heterologous proteins.

Development of bacterial expression systems suited for large scale production of industrial enzymes

We aim to further improve indigenously developed bacterial expression systems towards obtaining better processes for production of industrial enzymes. Further, we aim to adapt these strains to be better suited as host for whole cell biotransformations.

Enhancement of Benzaldehyde Biotransformation

R-PAC is the precursor in the synthesis of ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, alkaloids of considerable commercial value as bronchial dilators and nasal decongestants. This intermediate is commercially manufactured using a whole cell yeast biotransformation of benzaldehyde. We have generated site-specific modified mutants of pyruvate decarboxylase, the enzyme responsible for synthesis of R-PAC, with enhanced selectivity for the condensation reaction involved, resulting in a >50% increase in process productivity. This work was carried out with support from DST and Embio Ltd., and has resulted in a tech transfer. There is further work underway to extend the synthesis pathway to other related products of interest.

Development of remote-triggered devices

A low cost microfluidics-based POC diagnostic for osteoporosis An inspection and image storage/transmission device used in screening for cervical cancer Recombinant whole cell enzyme and antigen display systems

This effort is focused on assembling various indigenously developed remote-triggered lab experiments for chemical, biochemical, and control engineers. The objective of this approach is to develop a set of lab experiments consistent with various University curricula, which can be remotely accessed, 24x7, in a robust and secure manner. (Sponsor: MHRD, 2012-17)

Development of a low cost arterial tonometry based blood pressure monitoring device

The objective is to build an arterial tonometry based blood pressure monitoring device (as opposed to conventional oscillometric blood pressure measurement.) Arterial tonometry applies a mild pressure on peripheral arteries (eg. the radial artery) and monitors the pressure pulse waveforms. (Sponsor: IUSSTF/DST, 2014-16)