Dr. Harshit Patel's Talk

Aug 24, 2022 - 14:30
Aug 24, 2022 - 15:30
Room LC 102 in the lecture hall complex
Event Type
Dr. Harshit Patel Managing Director at Electron group
Building products to serve society using scientific fundamentals & technological innovation

Identifying what a market needs involves understanding of several factors like consumer behaviour, product feasibility, current problems in the target group of consumers that need to be solved, reduction in price, reduction in environmental impact, improving the use experience and so on. Feasibility, compliance, ergonomics, social acceptance, manufacturing constraints and other similar factors make the journey from idea to an amazing product, seemingly impossible. I'm delighted to present some case studies of ideas related to an existing chemical manufacturing infrastructure to commercial products.

Speaker Bio:
After completing his engineering from Mumbai in 1999, Harshit spent over 5 years in US- first completing his MS in static mixers in Chemical engineering and then his Doctoral Program (PhD) with his research using molecular dynamics for water and polymers.

Since 2005, he has been working in at Electron group, that manufactures textile based coatings, inks and special effects. He has taken some of the novel chemicals from science to the fashion industry and successfully commercialized a few products like hydrochromic inks as sweat activated t-shirts, conductive inks as art kits with electronics for kids, reflective inks as inks visible only in cell phone photos and more. He has also used his understanding in dyes and colors to create a range of safe holi colors that has been a huge success since more than 15 years.