State estimation

Modeling cell-death

Cell-death process, which occurs ubiquitously under normal and healthy conditions, is disturbed in diseased tissues. Cell-death process can be viewed as an outcome of a network of reactions. How does the network dynamically orchestrate the overall cell-death outcome? Can the network be re-wired to reverse the disturbances in the cell-death process? The goal of this project is to understand the cell-death process by developing a kinetic model of the network of reactions and validating with experimental data.

Battery management system for electric vehicle and drone application

Fire hazard in electric vehicle is one of the key problem that requires immediate attention. One of the way to prevent such fires in battery systems is have a competent battery management system which can predict the potential failure of the battery pack. Battery management system (BMS) consists of battery model, parameters and state estimation algorithms and optimziation toolboxes. Traditionally, circuit based models are being used in these BMS which do not provide physical understanding of the battery systems.