Hariprasad K

Hariprasad K (09402603)

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Research title: Modeling and stabilizing MPC of switched systems

Switched systems represent a class of hybrid dynamical systems wherein occurrence of a discrete event causes the evolution of the continuous states to switch from one operating mode to another. Most modeling formalisms for hybrid systems are based on linear dynamics along with the switching logic and neglect nonlinearities which may exist in each mode. A systematic development of an algorithm that provides a guide to the questions of how many such linear models should be used and their locations in the hybrid state-space with the help of tool from artificial intelligence and control theory.  For control of switched systems, the MPC problem requires an on-line solution of a Mixed Integer Program whose solution complexity increases exponentially with problem size . A novel MPC formulation, which enables tuning the trade-off between the complexity of the control algorithm with the optimal performance of the closed-loop system while ensuring stability to address this problem. Current research focus to robustify the proposed MPC frame work using the ideas of robust tube MPC.

Advisor: Prof. Shard Bhartiya

Academic Background:

 B.E. (Chemical Engg.) in 2006 from Kerala University

 M.Tech. (Chemical Engg.) in 2008 from National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli

Work Experience

Process Engineer, General Electric Energy (2008-2009)


  • Hariprasad, K., Bhartiya, S., Gudi, R.D.,A gap metric based multiple model approach for nonlinear switched systems ,Journal of Process Control 22 (9) , pp. 1743-1754, (2012).
  • Hariprasad, K.H., Bhartiya, S., Gudi, R.D. ,A multiple linear modeling approach for nonlinear switched   systems,2012,IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline) 8 (PART 1) , pp. 63-68

Research Interest

Hybrid systems, Model based control, Optimization, Mathematics.