
Pinku Jojan(123230002)


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Project Title-Control of non-minimum phase processes

Multivariable systems with significant amount of interaction between various inputs-outputs, considerable time-delay & RHP zeros pose a good challenge for the control system design. The design challenge increases further if one considers the uncertainty in various system parameters such as gain, time-constant, amount of interaction, RHP zero location etc. Several control design methods are found in literature which can be applied to handle such systems, but a systematic comparison and evaluation of such techniques on a single class of problem is not found. The project aims in a systematic comparison of different multivariable control techniques on quadruple tank system (system with RHP zero) and on shell heavy oil fractionator (system with large time delays)

Advisor-Dr Sharad Bhartiya

Academic background

B Tech in Applied Electronics and Instrumentation from University of Kerala in 2012

M tech in Systems and Control Engineering, IIT Bombay in 2014(expected)

Research interests

Process control, Embedded control