If you have received a reccomendation letter from me for a candidate you are considering, and wish to know more, please read on.

I am quite selective in giving recommendation letters. My letters are always addressed to an individual, never open testimonials. My letters have my seal and stamp in multiple colours, so it is diffcult to misuse the format. All the same, if you have any doubts, please be sure to contact me for verification. Someday, I would like to implement a private/public-key based system. But for now, I can usually send a pdf soft-copy by email in a day. In fact, pdf is my preferred format even for originals, so be sure you mention that you can accept pdf files in case you are asking someone to get my letter.

Your feedback is vital to me for improving the letters I send. All comments will be treated in confidence and with greatest respect, no matter how critical. Please do contact me. This page is under constant update.